Staffing FILL Template
You can download this template by clicking here.
Field | Format | Required? | Description/Notes |
Worker GUID | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the value if the worker has a client-assigned worker
identifier. If not, leave this field blank. Note: If multiple worker
records exist with the same GUID, you receive an error. You must log
into the application and change the worker GUID ( ). |
WAND Worker ID | Alphanumeric | No | If the worker identifier exists in the application, enter the value
in this field. If you are creating a worker record, leave this field blank, and enter 'Yes' in the Create user account field. |
Worker External ID | Alphanumeric | No | |
Worker Access Type | Alphanumeric | Yes | Value must the following:
Worker First Name | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the worker's first name. |
Worker Last Name | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the worker's last name. |
Legal First Name | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the worker's legal first name. |
Legal Last Name | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the worker's legal last name. |
Phone Number | Number | No | Enter the worker's telephone number. |
Worker Email Address | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the worker's email address. This value is used to email the
worker from the application. The address also defaults to their username
for login if you do not enter a value in the Worker
GUID and WAND Worker ID
fields. This field:
This field is validated against all existing email addresses and user names in the system. If a match is found, you receive an error. |
Worker Original Start Date | MM/DD/YYYY | No | |
Birth Month | Number | No | Worker Birth Month corresponds to the month number, for example, December = 12, February = 2, and so on. |
Birth Day | Number | No | Worker Birth Day corresponds to the day number, for example, 12, 16, 23, and so on. |
Last 4 of SSN | Number | No | Field can only contain 4 digits, or you receive an error. |
H-1B | Text | No | Value must be 'Yes' or 'No'. This value sets the H-1B check box on the engagement. |
Sub Contracted Worker | Text | No | Value must be 'Yes' or 'No'. This value sets the Sub Contracted Worker check box on the engagement. |
Start Date | MM/DD/YYYY | Yes | Enter the date that the engagement begins. |
Estimated End Date | MM/DD/YYYY | Yes | Enter the estimated end date for the engagement. |
Supplier ID | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the supplier identifier. This associates a supplier with the engagement. |
Manager GUID | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the manager identifier. This associates a client manager with the engagement. |
Department Number | Number | Yes | Enter the department number to associate with the engagement. Note: If
the client organization/OpUnit is configured to not allow client
managers to create departments ( ), then the department number must exist in the client
manager's Associated Department list. |
Parent Department Code | Number | No | If the client organization has identical department identifiers
across different department hierarchies, enter the parent department
identifier (from the department hierarchy). Note: If you have identical
department identifiers, and do not enter a parent department
identifier, you receive an error. |
Building Code | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the building code tied to the location for the engagement. |
Worker Offsite Country | Alphanumeric | No | If the work is completed offsite, enter the offsite country. |
Worker Offsite City | Alphanumeric | No | If the work is completed offsite, enter the offsite city. |
Worker Offsite State | Alphanumeric | No | If a value is entered, then the Work Completed Offsite option on the engagement is selected. The value populates the State field. |
Worker Offsite Address | Alphanumeric | No | If a value is entered, then the Work Completed Offsite option on the engagement is selected. The value populates the Street Address field. |
Worker Offsite Postal Code | Alphanumeric | No | If a value is entered, then the Work Completed Offsite option on the engagement is selected. The value populates the Postal Code field. |
Job Category | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the job category for the engagement. |
Job Title | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the job title for the engagement. |
Job Code | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the job code for the engagement. |
Reason | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the reason for the engagement. |
Hours per week | Number | No | Enter the number of hours per week for the engagement. If you do not enter a value, the number is set to '40' by default. |
Hours per day | Number | No | Enter the number of hours per day for the engagement. If you do not enter a value, the number is set to '8' by default. |
Days per week | Number | No | Enter the number of days per week for the engagement. If you do not enter a value, the number is set to '5' by default. |
Currency | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the currency for the engagement. This value overrides the value selected in the Currency drop down on the process configuration page. For more information about this field, see Use Bulk Upload. |
Pay Rate | Number | No | Not Applicable. This field is ignored if populated. The pay rate is calculated using the value in the Bill Rate and Mark up % fields. |
Bill Rate | Number | Yes | Enter the bill rate for the engagement. This value must correspond to the value in the Rate Type field. If this field is blank, this value defaults to the regular bill rate. |
Rate Name | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the rate name for the engagement. This value corresponds to any multiple rate values configured for the client parent OpUnit. |
Rate Type | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the rate type for the engagement. Note: 'Hourly' and 'Daily' are
possible values if they exist in the client organization's multiple
rates configuration. |
Units of Work | Alphanumeric | No | If piece rates are used, enter the unit type. This value must exist
for the client organization, or you receive an error. Note: You must
specify a piece rate timecard in the TEI
field if you use piece rates. You can specify multiple units by adding them to this field, and separating them with a pipe ('|'). |
Units Per Day | Number | No | If piece rates are used, enter the number of units per day. Note: You
must specify a piece rate timecard in the TEI
field if you use piece rates. You can specify multiple units by adding them to this field, and separating them with a pipe ('|'). |
Rate Application | Alphanumeric | Yes | Enter the rate application for the engagement. If entered, this value overrides the value selected in the Rate Application field. For more information about this field, see Use Bulk Upload. |
TEI | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the time card type for the engagement. These values are hard coded in the application. For more information about me cards, see Time Card Types. |
Work Period | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the work period for the engagement. |
Time Source | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the time source for the engagement. |
Invoice Option | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the invoice option for the engagement. |
Supplier FLSA Classification | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the worker classification for the engagement. |
Mark up % | Number | No | Only applicable for payroll requests. This field must be left blank. |
MSP up % | Decimal | No | Enter the mark up for the engagement as a percentage. For example,
enter '10' for 10%. If no value is entered, the field defaults to the mark up percentage defined in the job category or location in the supplier contract. |
MSP down % | Decimal | No | Enter the MSP Down Fee for the engagement as a percentage. For
example, enter '1.0' for 100%. If no value is entered, this value defaults to the MSP Down Fee configured in the supplier contract. |
OT rule | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the overtime rule for the engagement. |
OT modifier | Decimal | No | Enter the overtime modifier for the engagement as a percentage. For example, enter '1.0' for 100%. |
DT modifier | Decimal | No | Enter the double time modifier for the engagement as a percentage. For example, enter '1.0' for 100%. |
Holiday modifier | Decimal | No | Enter the holiday multiplier for the engagement as a percentage. For example, enter '1.0' for 100%. |
VDisc % | Decimal | No | Enter the volume discount, if any. If no value is entered, this value defaults to the Volume Discount configured in the supplier contract. |
PPay Disc % | Decimal | No | Enter the prompt payment discount, if any. If no value is entered, this value defaults to the Prompt Pay Discount configured in the supplier contract. |
MSP Contact | Alphanumeric | No | Enter the MSP name for the engagement. |
Create user account | Yes or No Note: This
field only accepts 'Yes' or 'No'. |
No | This value determines if the process creates a worker record for the engagement. If left blank, the process creates the worker account. |
Count in Supplier Scorecard | Alphanumeric | No | Enter 'yes' to include the engagement for consideration in the Supplier Scorecard. 'no' is entered by default (no value). |
Custom Field1 (1-n) | Alphanumeric Note: Field input must conform to the input format
defined for the custom field. |
Yes (conditional) If custom fields are mapped in the process configuration, then one column must be configured for each mapped field. In the input file the column names remain 'Custom Field<field_number>'. |
Enter custom field values in the order that you define them in bulk
upload interface. For more information about this process, see Use Bulk Upload. Note: If you have a custom fields
set to require values ( ), then the field must contain a value in the upload
file. |