Project Worker FILL Template

The fields described in this reference information must appear in an upload file in the order listed here. The header value also must match the field names in this reference information. If not, you receive an error.

You can download this template by clicking here.

Field Format Required? Description/Notes
Worker GUID Alphanumeric No Enter the value if the worker has a client-assigned worker identifier. If not, leave this field blank.
Note: If multiple worker records exist with the same GUID, you receive an error. You must log into the application and change the worker GUID (Worker > Account Information > GUID).
WAND Worker ID Alphanumeric No If the worker identifier exists in the application, enter the value in this field.

If you are creating a worker record, leave this field blank, and enter 'Yes' in the Create user account field.

Worker External ID Alphanumeric No
Worker Access Type Alphanumeric Yes Value must the following:
  • Single Sign On
  • Direct Login
  • Both
Worker First Name Alphanumeric Yes Enter the worker's first name.
Worker Last Name Alphanumeric Yes Enter the worker's last name.
Legal First Name Alphanumeric No Enter the worker's legal first name.
Legal Last Name Alphanumeric No Enter the worker's legal last name.
Phone Number Number No Enter the worker's telephone number.
Worker Email Address Alphanumeric Yes Enter the worker's email address. This value is used to email the worker from the application. The address also defaults to their username for login if you do not enter a value in the Worker GUID and WAND Worker ID fields.
This field:
  • Cannot contain spaces
  • Must end with a dot extension, for example, '.com'
  • name and domain must be separated by an '@'

This field is validated against all existing email addresses and user names in the system. If a match is found, you receive an error.

Worker Original Start Date MM/DD/YYYY No
Start Date MM/DD/YYYY Yes Enter the date that the woke engagement begins. This date is validated against the parent project start date.
Estimated End Date MM/DD/YYYY Yes Enter the estimated end date for the worker engagement. This date is validated against the parent project end date.
Manager GUID Alphanumeric No Enter the manager identifier. This associates a client manager with the engagement. If this field is left blank, it inherits the client manager name from the parent project.
Time & Expense Approver Alphanumeric No Enter the manager identifier. This associates a T&E manager with the engagement. If this field is left blank, this field inherits the value in the Manager GUID field. If no value exists in the Manager GUID field in the upload template, then the value is inherited from the parent project.
Department Number Number Yes Enter the department number to associate with the engagement.
Note: If the client organization/OpUnit is configured to not allow client managers to create departments (Configuration > <op_unit> > Settings > Configuration > Manager tab > Allow Managers to add departments to their accounts during request creation), then the department number must exist in the client manager's Associated Department list.
Note: If this field is left blank, it inherits the department from the parent project.
Building Code Alphanumeric Yes Enter the building code tied to the location for the engagement.
Worker Offsite Country Alphanumeric No If the work is completed offsite, enter the offsite country.
Worker Offsite City Alphanumeric No If the work is completed offsite, enter the offsite city.
Worker Offsite State Alphanumeric No If a value is entered, then the Work Completed Offsite option on the engagement is selected. The value populates the State field.
Worker Offsite Address Alphanumeric No If a value is entered, then the Work Completed Offsite option on the engagement is selected. The value populates the Street Address field.
Worker Offsite Postal Code Alphanumeric No If a value is entered, then the Work Completed Offsite option on the engagement is selected. The value populates the Postal Code field.
Parent Project ID Alphanumeric Yes Enter the parent project identifier.
Position ID Alphanumeric Yes Enter the worker's position identifier.
MSP contact Alphanumeric No Enter the MSP contact. This value is validated against a list of MSPs in the system.
Custom Field1 (1-n) Alphanumeric
Note: Field input must conform to the input format defined for the custom field.
Yes (conditional)

If custom fields are mapped in the process configuration, then one column must be configured for each mapped field. In the input file the column names remain 'Custom Field<field_number>'.

Enter custom field values in the order that you define them in bulk upload interface. For more information about this process, see Use Bulk Upload.
Note: If you have a custom fields set to require values (Configuration > Settings > Custom Fields > <field_type> > <field_name> > Allow Null Info), then the field must contain a value in the upload file.