Engagement Time Entry
Field | Description |
Rate Application | From the Rate Application drop down, select
how the application applies the pay rate to the submitted billing
items. Note: The work period that you configure for the engagement
might require you to select the appropriate value in this
field. |
Time Entry Interface | From the Time Entry Interface drop down,
select the time card to display to the worker for the
engagement. Note: The rate application that you configure for the
engagement controls these options. For example, if you choose to
apply the rate by the day, you can select daily entry time card
options. |
Time Source | From the Time Source drop down, select the
time entry source. To select another option other than 'WAND', you must first integrate with external system with the application. For more information about integrations, contact your Program Representative. |
Work Period | From the Work Period drop down, select the work period for the engagement. For more information about work periods, see Work Periods and Calendars. |
OT Rule | If you select an hourly time card, from the OT Rule drop down, select the overtime rule to apply to qualified billing items. For more information about overtime rules, see Overtime Rules Application. |
Use Shift Differential | Select the Use Shift Differential check box to
configure different pay rates based on an existing shift differential
definition. If you use this option, the application automatically
populates the schedule information from the engagement. You can further
configure different rates to apply to billing items for selected
shifts. Note: The differential list is added to the
Billing Parameters section.Shift differentials only apply to hourly rate
application. Shift differentials are configured for work periods. For more information about this configuration, see Modify a Shift Differential. To configure a shift differential, from the drop down in the Requisition Type column, select the type. If you select Specific Day, select the day from the drop down in the Value column. You can add additional rates by clicking Add New. |