Overtime Rules Application

Overtime rules modify the hourly bill rate for time entered. In the application, all hours entered are categorized as regular, overtime, or double time. The overtime rules include the total number of hours that a worker must work to receive the modified rate, and the total number of hours that must be worked to receive the double time rate.

Rules are associated at the client location level. For the rule to modify the hourly billing rate, the hours entered must surpass the thresholds configured for the rule. The thresholds are as follows:
  • Daily OT Limit - The number of hours that must be worked before additional time is considered overtime.
  • Daily DT Limit - The number of hours that must be worked before additional time is considered double time.
  • Weekly OT Limit - The number of regular hours worked in a week (7 day work period) before additional time is considered overtime.
  • Weekly DT Limit - The number of regular hours worked in a week (7 day work period) before additional time is considered double time. This rule excludes hours that qualify as overtime.
  • Seven Day - If time is entered for the first 6 days of a work week, then on the seventh day, the first 8 hours entered is considered overtime, and any additional hours are considered double time.

All OT Rules are associated with a client location country. Specific overtime laws might apply for a client work site location, for example, California. You cannot specify the overtime rule at the state or province level, so ensure that the rule applied for the country conforms to the laws for the client work site location.

The application contains OT Rule templates with default thresholds. For more information about assigning overtime rule templates, see Client Location Overtime Rule.