Work Periods and Calendars

The segments of time that you configure for each time entry are based on the work period that you select for the engagement. The work period groups the entries, and is a schedule that is either one of the following elements:
  • Period - A configuration of client specific definitions. The work period defines the format of the engagement in which to apply the hours, for example, for a an engagement paid weekly, the work period can be Monday, 12:00AM to Sunday, 11:59PM. Hours entered conform to this 'calendar'. The work period also defines a span of time where all associated billing rules are applied (holidays, overtime rules, rate application, and so on).
  • Calendar - A list of dates that correspond to the work period that you define. This includes the number of days for the work week, defined against actual calendar dates. For example, if you were defining a work week, Monday to Friday, with five expected days for the worker, your calendar entry is defined as 02/10/2020 (start date) to 02/14/2020 (end date), with '5' expected days. The application uses this definition to create billing items from the worker's time card entries. For more information about defining calendars, see Add a Calendar.
  • Default Full-Time Schedule - For Staffing and Payroll engagements, you can define the standard number of hours/days for a full-time work week at the country level. This setting is used to calculate the Total Estimated Spend. See Default Work Schedule Hours.s

There are two types of work period, 'Standard' and 'Variable'. The standard period always uses a 7 day week, Monday through Sunday. The nightly timecard script processes submitted time and expenses, and on Sunday evening, the reported time is converted to billing items that can be added to an invoice. The variable period is a unique time frame (bi-weekly, bi-monthly, and so on). The nightly timecard script only runs once during the period.

The rate application depends on the entry type that you define for the engagement. All shift differentials and modifiers configured for the work period applied at the engagement level, but are only available for configuration for an engagement based on the combination of time card and rate application. For more information on rates in time cards, see Rate Application.

You can define any number of work periods to suit a client organization's business needs. If the client has particular business needs, and has specific holidays/days off, you can define the actual date ranges, and the number of expected days for that range.

You define the calendar, and then configure the work period based on the calendar definition. You can define various types of calendars to use for a client organization's work periods. For more information about setting up the work period, see Add a Work Period.
Time entered by a worker ends at a specified date, and a period must also be defined for the application to process the billing times to create invoices.
If you are configuring a work period for a client organization's location (country level), it is required that you set up a new office number for the invoice option. The office number is required to link the billing information to the internal HRIS system. To set up this number, contact your Program Representative.
If you are defining a monthly work period that considers overtime rules on a weekly basis, the work period name MUST contain the text 'Monthly' (case sensitive).

You can bulk upload date's for a client organization using the Date Upload function. For more information about this function, see Use Date Loader.