Employee Docs

This tab displays the worker's legal documentation.

Visa/Alien Information

Field Description
Citizenship Displays the worker's citizenship, and the work location for the worker.
Work Authorization Documents Displays the worker's location and status in relation to the location.

Tax Information

This information is entered by the worker during the onboarding process, or by the supplier when they onboarding an employee. You can modify this information if needed.
Note: If you modify this information, you must provide an effective date for the changes, and a justification.
Field Description
Federal Tax Status (W-4 Box 3) The worker's tax status. Select from the following:
  • Single
  • Married
  • Head of Household
Total Claiming Dependants Displays the total dollar amount for claimed dependents.
Additional Federal Withholding (W-4 Step 4) Displays any additional withholdings. You can configure three amounts.
Claiming Exempt Displays if the worker is claiming exemption.
State of Residence The worker's state of residence.
State Tax Status The worker's state tax status. Select from the following:
  • Single, or Married with two or more incomes
  • Head of Household
  • Married (one income)
Total Number of State/Province Allowances The tonal number of state or province allowances claimed by the worker.
Additional State/Province Withholding Any additional state or province withholding.
Claiming State/Province Tax Exempt (W-4 Step 7) If the worker is exempt from state or province taxes.
Work State The state where the work takes place.
State Tax Status The state tax status.
Total Number of State/Province Allowances The total number of state or province allowances.
Additional State/Province Withholding Any additional withholding for the work location state or province.
Claiming State/Province Tax Exempt (W-4 Box 7) If the worker is tax exempt in the state or province of the work location.