
This tab displays the worker's history with the client organization.
Field Description
Prior Client Experience Displays any relationship that the worker has had with the client organization.

You can add previous contractor or employee experience for a worker by selecting the applicable check box, configuring the experience dates from the drop downs, and entering the supervisor name, if known.

You can also add a relation that works for the client organization. For more information about adding a family member, see Add Worker Family Member.

Work History List Displays worker history for the client organization. You cannot edit this information.

Any surveys completed in regard to the worker (manager survey, worker survey, engagement survey, and so on) display in this area. Only the most recently completed survey displays. For example, if a worker completes a survey, and then the client manager completes a survey, only the client manager survey data displays.

You can remove a survey by clicking Remove, and entering a reason. Removing a survey deletes it from the database, and recalculates the survey averages. If you delete a survey, you can resend the survey notification by clicking in the engagement on the engagement details page.
You can access the history of all surveys, including those that were deleted, by clicking .
Resume Submission History Displays worker resume submission history. You cannot edit this information.