User Account

This tab displays the worker's system access information.
A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

You can edit this information by clicking if you have the correct editing permissions.

User GenInfo

This information is input when you create the worker record.
Field Description
Prefix The worker's prefix, for example, Mrs., Mr. and so on.
First Name The worker's preferred first name. This can be different than their legal first name.
Middle Name The worker's preferred middle name.
Last Name The worker's preferred last name. This can be different than their legal last name.
Suffix The worker's suffix, for example, Esq.
Legal First Name The worker's legal first name.
Legal Last Name The worker's legal last name.
Nickname The worker's nickname.
Email The worker's email address.

The email address defaults to the worker's username. You can change this value in the User Name field.

Work Phone The worker's work telephone number.
Home Phone The worker's home telephone number.
Mobile Phone The worker's mobile telephone number.
Fax The worker's fax number.
Address Line 1 The primary address information for the worker.
Address Line 2 The secondary address information for the worker.
City/Town The city or town of the worker's address.
State/Province The state or province of the worker's address.
Postal Code The postal code of the worker's address.
Country The country of the worker's address.

Account Information

Field Description
Record Type The record type. This field defaults to 'Worker'.
User Name The worker's user name. This it the credential that the worker uses to log into the application.
Password The worker's account password. This value is encrypted and can not be viewed.

You can reset the worker's password by clicking , and then clicking the Reset Password text. This sends an email to the worker's email address with a link to reset their password. You can also click .

The reset password functionality is also available on the user record in the Configuration view (User tab).

Record ID The record identifier number in the system.
Active Person Account If the worker record is an active person account. This setting determines if a worker can appear in lists and search results.
Wand Language Preferences The worker's application language preference.

If you have edit permissions, you can change the language in the drop down.

Comments Free text field.
Active User Account If the worker record is an active user account. This setting determines if a worker is allowed to log into the application.
Security Questions 1-3 Security questions and answers configured by the worker.
This information can be useful if a worker can not remember there answers and needs to access their worker account.
Locked User Account If the worker account is locked.
Access List A list of client organizations that the worker has access to, and the application account information.
Configuration The worker's configuration information, that is, the application settings. This section displays their user role type, and if the application can send emails to the worker if a workflow email is triggered.


Field Description
Authorities The permissions that the worker has in the application.

This field defaults to 'Worker'. For more information about permissions, see Users and Permissions.