Project Settings

These settings are general to a client organization or Op Unit for project engagements (Configuration > Project > Project Preferences).
Section Setting Description
Supplier Access Allow Supplier to Add/Remove Workers Select the check box to allow a supplier to add or remove workers for a project after the SOW is signed.

Workers are added in the Supplier view.

Allow a Supplier to Edit Worker Data Select the check box to allow a supplier to edit a worker's information.

Worker information is edited in the Supplier view.

Share Client Feedback Share Supplier Ratings Between Clients Select the check box to display a supplier's rating to client organizations that contract with that supplier.

Ratings appear in the supplier's profile.

Share Review Comments Between Clients Select the check box to display comments left on a supplier's profile to client organizations that contract with that supplier.

Comments appear in the supplier's profile.

Quote Display Supplier Quote Amount to Competitors Select the check box to display submitted quote amount from a supplier to other suppliers.
Display the supplier associated to a quote submitted to all competitors Select the check box to display the supplier (name) associated with the visible submitted quote amount.
Hide the supplier associated to the quote submitted to a client Select the check box to hide the name of the supplier for the client manager making the request.
Allow Suppliers to Edit Quotes while in Approval Routing Select the check box to allow the quote information to be edited while in an approval routing workflow. For more information about approval workflows, see Approval Routing Configuration.
SOW Allow eSigning of SOW Contracts Select the check box to allow eSigning of an SOW document.

You also need to enable this option at the country level. For more information about this country setting, see Client Country Configuration.

Utilize Preferred Pricing on Quotes Select the check box to allow client organizations to create a sample quote.

Enabling this setting makes the preferred pricing fields visible on the Create Project Request page. For more information on these fields, see Preferred Pricing Details on Quotes.


See Vender RFx for Project

Utilize RFx Select the check box to enable the RFx feature.
Allow RFx Scoring Collaboration Select the check box to allow collaborators to add scoring.
Who Sets Up Scoring Collaboration? From the drop down, select the user types that have permission to add scoring.