Managed Services Details View

The following sections display on a managed services request/engagement. You can access this request type's information, however, if you have the 'Headcount Tracking Workers Assignment' permission associated with your user account, you can add or remove workers (depending on configuration).
Supplier users with the 'Headcount Tracking Workers Assignment' permission can modify the following information:
  • Location - 'Other Worker Location' only
  • Schedule - Start and/of end date only
  • Supplier Notes
  • Requisition Custom Fields
  • Worker Custom Fields

Request Information

Tab Section Description
General Info Description Displays:
  • Requisition Status - The status of the request.
  • Status Reason - The reason for the assigned status.
  • Reason - The reason for the request.
  • Reason Detail - The text description of the reason for the request.
  • Manager - The client manager assigned to the request. This field nigh be blank based not the client organization's configuration.
  • Department - The department the request is assigned to.
  • Job Title - The job title on the request. If the managed services request has a 'Request Title' designation, this field displays the job title assigned to the worker.
  • Number of Positions
  • Number of Remaining Positions
  • Attachments - Documents/attachments can be required based on the client organization's configuration.
Location Displays:
  • Client Location - Address details as configured for the client.
  • Work Location - Where the work is performed. This location can be different from the client location. See Change Work Location.
Schedule Displays the configured calendar dates and rate information for the request.
Financials Displays:
  • Department
  • Rate Application
  • Currency
Contact Information Displays the configured contact information for the request.
Supplier Notes Contacts Displays any additional contact information that you add.

To add an additional contact, click , enter the email address for the contact, and click .

Requisition Custom Fields Displays any configured custom field information for the request.
Dates of Interest Displays dates of interest related to the request.
Sourcing <job_title>

Configured at the request level. Can display multiple job titles for a request.

See Sourcing.

Engagement Information

Tab Section Description
General Info Description Displays:
  • Requisition Status - The status of the request.
  • Status Reason - The reason for the assigned status.
  • Reason - The reason for the request.
  • Reason Detail - The text description of the reason for the request.
  • Manager - The client manager assigned to the request. This field nigh be blank based not the client organization's configuration.
  • Department - The department the request is assigned to.
  • Job Title - The job title on the request. If the managed services request has a 'Request Title' designation, this field displays the job title assigned to the worker.
  • Number of Positions
  • Number of Remaining Positions
  • Attachments - Documents/attachments can be required based on the client organization's configuration.
Location Displays:
  • Client Location - Address details as configured for the client.
  • Work Location - Where the work is performed. This location can be different from the client location. See Change Work Location.
Schedule Displays the configured calendar dates and rate information for the request.

To modify either the engagement start date or estimated end date, or both, click .

After modifying any click , and then click .

Financials Displays:
  • Department
  • Rate Application
  • Currency
Contact Information Displays the configured contact information for the request.
Supplier Notes Contacts Displays any additional contact information that you add.

To add an additional contact, click , enter the email address for the contact, and click .

Requisition Custom Fields Displays any configured custom field information for the request.
Worker Custom Fields Displays any configured custom field information for the worker.
Allocation Allocation List Displays any configured allocations that are available on the engagements.
Billing Billing List Displays any billing submitted for engagements.