Job Category Configuration

Job categories are used in the application to define the types of work that are done. This information is configured for a client organization to allow the client to accurately select the job type when creating a requisition. This information is also important for reporting, as it provides a category in a cost center, as opposed to a bank of hours spent on a task.

Job categories can be defined at five levels. The bottom level is the base information for the job category, and contains the definitions for the skills needed, the job duties, education level requirements, and so on. Each level above can be a higher level of job category. Each client organization should consider the number of levels that are required due to their business need.

Job categories are also required information that ties a client organization to a supplier in the supplier agreement. Each supplier is configured to submit candidates that match a job category for a client organization location. For more information about configuring a supplier agreement, see Supplier Agreements.