Business Validation Workflow Settings

In order to use the validation workflow, you must at minimum enable the Utilize Bizval setting in the project settings (Configuration > Project > Bizval > Utilize Bizval) and provide a contact email address. If a client organization needs to customize the central list due to a business requirement, you can override the central list. The list override is configured at the client country level. For more information about business validation workflow, see About Project BizVal.
You cannot partially override the central list. If you override it, you must configure questionnaires for the client organization and the contractor (1099). You must also configure the documents list.
This section in the Configuration view does not appear unless a client organization has the Utilize Bizval setting enabled (see Modify the Bizval Settings).
The country level list consists of three sub lists:
  • Documents - Contains a list of supporting documentation that the contractor must provide before a quote for a project can be accepted.
  • Insurance - Contains a list of insurance documents that the contractor must provide before a quote for a project can be accepted.
  • Questions - The contractor and client manager questions that appear on the MQ and BVA. Both sets of question and answers (if applicable) are configured in this list.
If you are configuring your own lists, it is highly recommended that you consult your client organization's legal resources to review the content to ensure that all business needs/requirements are met.

For more information about configuring a list, see Modify the Country Question List.