Supplier Bulk Upload

Supplier organization records can be uploaded to the system using the Bulk Upload feature. The process is accessed from the Supplier tab in the client organization's configuration. See Bulk Upload Supplier Records.
The MSP Admin or SysAdmin permission is required to upload supplier records.
The supplier record upload process requires a correctly formatted input file to be uploaded. You can download a template file from the Supplier tab and input the correct information. See Supplier Upload Template.
Only supported languages are available when setting the Preferred Language field in the upload template.

File upload history is viewable by navigating to Configuration > Supplier > Bulk Upload > History. This view displays the user that initiated the upload, the file name, the number of records uploaded to the VMS, and any errors/warnings (including a file with errors) for the upload process.

Process Error Codes

Refer to the following table for information on process error codes.
Code Description
<field_name> is required Required field is empty
<field_name> value is too long Length issue, for example, character limit exceeded for a supplier name.
<field_name> has a duplicate in the system Duplicate value, for example, supplier name.
<field_name> value does not exist Value is not acceptable in the system.
<field_name> value has the wrong format Value is wrong format, for example, text when the system is expecting a number.
<field_name> does not exist / is not supported. Please select one of the next supported languages <list_of_supported_languages_in_vms> Value (language) entered is not supported. The error outputs a current list of supported language values to aid in correct configuration.
Headers do not correspond with the template. Supplier Records were not uploaded File is not formatted correctly, for example, header name value is incorrect.