Job Categories

These fields appear on the Job Categories tab of the supplier contract.

You can toggle the display using the buttons, however, you cannot modify the locations. Locations for the supplier contract are modified on the Locations tab.

You can filter using the following:
  • Job Categories - Use the drop down to select the OpUnit.
  • Tier - Filter the selection by configured tier.
  • Include in Sourcing - Filter if the job category is included in sourcing.
  • Active - Filter by active/inactive job categories.

To edit the job categories in the contract, click , modify the values, and then click .

Field Description
Tier If you are setting up preferred vending, select the tier for the job category/location. This determines the interval that the supplier appears in the Sourcing section during request creation. For more information about tiers, see Supplier Tiers.
Mark-Up % Enter the default mark up percentage for the job category/location in the contract.
Create Request Select the check box to allow the job category to be discoverable during request creation.
Supplier with the 'MSP Vendor On Premises' permission on their user accounts can only create/edit requests where this setting is enabled for a job category.
Include in Sourcing Select the check box to include the supplier when selecting a source during request creation.
Active Select the check box to make the job category/location active in the contract.