Force Billing

You can force billing items into a pending approval state if needed. Any billing items that are saved, but not submitted for approval are sent to the Time & Expense Approver for the engagement. The 'Billing' permission is required to complete this task.
Note: All search parameters are optional. If you do not add parameters for your search, the application returns all billing items in a non-finalized state.
  1. Navigate to the Billing page in the MSP view.
  2. Click the Billing tab.
  3. Click Force Billing.
  4. Enter search parameters. You can enter the following:
    • Approver - Enter the approver for the billing item.
    • Worker - Enter the worker on the billing item.
    • Supplier - Enter the supplier on the billing item.
    • Exclude Current period Billings - Select the check box to exclude billing items in the current billing period.
      Tip: This option is useful for locating billing items that are past due, but have not been approved.
    • OpUnit - From the drop down, select the operational unit. If you do not select an operational unit, data view restrictions still apply.
    • Inv Option - From the drop down, select the invoice option defined in the billing item.
  5. Click .
  6. From the list of billing items, select the check box for the billing items to force approve.
  7. Click .