Run Invoice Batch Process

You can create a batch of invoices using New Invoice Batch menu option.
The invoice batching process gathers billing items that qualify, and associates them with generated invoice numbers (on invoices). Invoices are created for all of the bills that are pending finalization and which are for the invoice option selected by the MSP. You can further filter bills using the Billing Type and Billing State filters. Once the desired bills have been requested, the Invoice Batch process applies any grouping rules that are set up for the invoice option in order to create a separate invoice for each unique combination of grouping rules. You can configure the batch process to gather processed bills associated invoice option, and further filter bills that appear in an invoice using invoice grouping rules. For more information about the grouping rules, see Invoice Grouping Rules.
Batch creation of invoices is a different process than standard invoice creation, where processed billing items are manually added individually to an invoice. For more information about the standard invoice creation process, see Create a Standard Invoice.

Invoices can use a predefined .pdf template to format the output to satisfy business and country compliance needs. See Customizable Invoice Templates.

Only users with the MSP Admin or SysAdmin role, or MSPs with the 'Billing', 'Finance', 'Payroll', or 'Payroll Manager' permissions can create invoices using this task.
A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
  1. Navigate to the Billing page in the MSP view.
  2. Click the Invoicing tab.
  3. Click New Invoice Batch.
  4. On the New Invoice Batch page, from the Invoice Option drop down, select the invoice option to process.
    The grouping rules used to gather billing items for the invoice are either applied at the invoice option level, or are default for the client country.
  5. Select the billing types (select check boxes) to include on the invoice/s by selecting the types from the Billing Types area.
  6. Select the billing items to filter in/out by selecting the billing state (check box) set on the billing items.
  7. In the Invoice End Date field, enter the invoice end date that appears on the invoice.
  8. Enter optional text that appears on the invoice in the Description field.
  9. Click .
    The invoice is generated and appears on the Billing > Invoicing > page in the invoices table. To access an invoice, click the invoice number (blue text) link. For more information about the information on an invoice, see Invoices in the System.
    If there are no bills what are pending invoicing for the selected invoice option and filters then the following message displays:
    Invoice Creation Error: Unable to create any invoices for the selected invoice option and billing filters. There are no matching billing lines.
    If you are unsure which invoice options have bills that are ready to invoice, you can start with the New Standard Invoice process to see which bills are available. Then return to the Batch Invoice process to use invoice grouping.