Reject a Project Quote

If a quote needs to be rejected, you can reject it, and send it back to the supplier for modification and resubmission.
  1. Navigate to the Home page of the MSP view.
  2. Click Requests.
  3. Select the request type by clicking the type button (or ALL).
    You can also enter the request number in the search field.
  4. Select the request by clicking the number link in the Request column.
  5. On the request information page, click the Sourcing tab.
  6. In the Quote Information section, click the blue text link for the quote in the Supplier Name column.
  7. Click .
    A pop up opens.
  8. In the Rejection Reason drop down, select the reason for rejection.
    The reasons are hard coded in the application.
  9. Optionally, click the Allow to resubmit the quote check box if you want the supplier to review the quote and modify for resubmission.
  10. In the Comment for Supplier field, enter a text description explaining the rejection.
  11. Click Reject.
    The quote remains attached to the request until it is resubmitted. You can undo the rejection by clicking .