Client Location Holidays

These settings appear for a client country in Requisition > Holidays.
A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
Setting Description
Holiday Specifies a holiday for the location. This can be different from the holidays that you define for a client organization country holiday schedule.
This field is typically used to configure holiday pay information.

To configure a holiday, add the name in the Holiday Name field, and add optional text in the Description field. Also, select the Active check box to make the holiday applicable to the client.

In the Category drop down, select the configured holiday category for the holiday. For more information about defining a category, see Client Location Holiday Categories.

The Billable to Client check box makes worker payments for the holiday billable to the client organization.

In the Payable Hours field, enter the number of hours that the worker is paid for the holiday. This is based on the hourly billing rate.

In the Application Rule List section, configure the eligibility conditions for the worker. First, click , and from the Rule drop down, select the rule condition for the holiday. You can select from the following:
  • Cumulative hours worked
  • Total days since job started
  • Hours worked in prior week
  • Hours worked in prior month
  • Worked the day before holiday
  • Worked the day after holiday
  • Worked the week before holiday
Each of the application rules must be configured with condition parameters. Configure the following:
  • Description - Optionally, add a description for the rule.
  • Rule Value - Enter the number value. For example, if you select Total days since job started, enter the number of days that a worker must work in total to be eligible for the holiday pay.
  • Rule Timeframe(Weeks) - From the drop down, select the time frame. This is the number of weeks that the condition (application rule and rule value) must be satisfied in. You can select a time frame of up to 52 weeks (one year).
  • Active - Select the check box to make the rule conditions active for the holiday category.

In the Date List section, add the actual date in the Holiday Date field. If you select a rule that includes a time frame for days or weeks worked before or after the holiday, you must configure the actual dates in the date list (business dates before and after the holiday). The application requires these days to determine if the condition is satisfied. For example, if you require a worker to work the day before a holiday, and the holiday falls on a Monday, then you specify that the business date before the holiday is Friday the previous week.

After you define your holiday, click .