Supplier BCF Report

T His report print the billing control form (BCF) for a supplier.
Note: The report output is restricted to the job number associated with the Series Description filter parameter.
This report produces a grid form of BCF information.
  • BIILING CONTROL FORM - client job number
  • Company Name
  • Date
  • <agency_billing_client_name>
  • Client Number
  • Job Number
  • Client Name
  • Client Contact
  • Street Address
  • City/Town, State/Province, Postal Code, Country - client information
  • Billing Attn
  • Business Structure
  • 1099 Needed?
  • Invoice Type
  • Supplier Name
  • Supplier Address
  • City/Town, State/Province, Postal Code, Country - supplier/vendor information
  • Federal Tax ID
  • Supplier Phone Number
Filter Description
Supplier Select the supplier/vendor to search for.
Supplier #, Supplier Name Filter by the supplier number or name.
Series Description Select the series description.
Earnings E/D Free form input. Search by an earnings end date.