Client Information Holiday Report

This report provides information regarding configured holidays for a client organization.

Holidays are configured for a client organization at the country level. For more information about setting up holidays for a client organization, see Client Location Holidays.

This report produces the following columns:
  • Holiday Name
  • Country
  • Year
  • Rule
  • Rule ID
  • Description
  • Rule Value
  • # Weeks
  • Category
  • Description
  • Category ID
  • # Holiday Hours
  • Holiday Code
Field Description
Year Filter the report output by a specific year. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Holiday Name Filter the report output by a specific configured holiday. This field is set to 'All' by default.
Summarize byFrom the drop down, select how to summarize the output columns in the report.
Country Filter the report output by a configured country (location) for a client organization. This field is set to 'All' by default.