Performance Dashboard

The Performance Dashboard (Reporting > Performance Dashboard) displays metrics for the client organization based spend or engagements in OpUnits that you are assigned to. Use the toggle to switch between views.

This dashboard is available to all MPS users for the client organization.

Hover over an element in the graph to display the actual value for that element.

You can filter the data in the display by entering a date range (Time Span fields).

Tab Graph Description
Spend Spend by Service The total spend by service line per month for a 6 month period only.

Only processed billing is included and total billing amounts are included.

Spend month is determined by the Invoice E/D.

Spend by Category The total spend by client job category.

Job categories are defined at the client level (Configuration > Requisition > Job Categories) or operational unit level (Configuration > <opunit> > Requisition > Job Categories). See Job Category Configuration.

Only processed billing is included and total billing amounts are included.

Spend month is determined by the Invoice E/D.

Overtime Spend The overtime spend by percentage of spend and spend amount.

Only processed billing is included.

Amounts are based on the bill rate and the OT/DT modifier.

Engagements Fills by top 5 Position The number of filled positions by the top 5 client job categories.

Only engagements with Status = 'Filled' included.

Fills by top 5 Supplier The number of filled positions by the top 5 supplier/vendors, including Magnit Global's supplier organization.

Only engagements with Status = 'Filled' included.

Engagements by Tenure The number of filled positions by date range.

Only engagements with Status = 'Filled' included.

Tenure is based on the number of days in the engagement.