Supplier Payment Invoice Report

This report produces information regarding suppliers that need to make a payment.
Note: This report can aid in payment application.
This report produces the following output columns:
Note: The report header includes both the client organization and supplier organization's information. The report header is repeated per unique supplier invoice number.
  • Line # - Billing item identifier
  • Supplier
  • Manager
  • Worker
  • Worker #
  • Requisition #
  • Department Name
  • Department #
  • Location
  • Earnings E/D
  • Currency
  • Milestones
  • Materials
  • Position
  • Rate Application Type
  • Bill Rate
  • Days
  • Regular Hrs
  • OT Rate
  • OT Hrs
  • DT Rate
  • DT Hrs
  • Holiday Rate
  • Holiday Hrs
  • Expenses
  • Supplier VAT
  • Sales Tax
  • Service Tax
  • GST Amount
  • CGST Amount
  • SGST Amount
  • IGST Amount
  • MSP CGST Amount
  • MSP SGST Amount
  • MSP IGST Amount
  • HST Amount
  • QST Amount
  • RST Amount
  • PST Amount
  • MSP GST Amount
  • MSP HST Amount
  • MSP QST Amount
  • MSP RST Amount
  • MSP PST Amount
  • Adjustment
  • VDisc $
  • PPay $
  • PrO Sup %
  • PrO Sup $
  • AP Inv#
  • Inv Date
  • WAND Inv#
  • Sup Inv #
  • Check #
  • Release Date
  • Total Pay
  • Worker Custom Fields 1-xx
  • Supplier Invoice Custom Fields 1-xx
  • Sub-Total
Field Description
Invoice Select the invoice/s to filter the report by.
Supplier Invoice Select the supplier invoice/s to filter the report by.
Supplier Filter the report output by the supplier or vendor.
Include Worker Custom Fields Select the check box to include worker custom fields.
Include Invoice Custom Fields Select the check box to include invoice custom fields.
Optional Columns Select the optional columns to include in the report.