Corporate Invoice Detail

This report produces information in regard to invoices, summarized by department, purchase order, or supplier/vendor. It can include 'remit to' information, giving it the ability to be sent to client organizations.
This report only includes invoices for the selected client organization in the application.
This report produces the following columns:
  • Client Name
  • AP Inv #
  • Date Stamp
  • Invoice ID
  • Remit to Address - Section includes in the report footer.
Filter Description
Invoice Filter the report output by generated invoices in the system. You can select one or more invoices to include.
If you do not select an invoice to include, the report includes all invoices displayed in the selection field.
Optional Columns Select optional column information to include in the report output.
Summarize byFrom the drop down, select how to summarize the output columns in the report.
Include Requisition Custom Fields Select the check box to include Requisition type custom fields in the report output. For more information about custom fields, see Custom Fields Options by Workflow.