Batch Approval

You can run a batch approval task to estimate taxes for a group of billing items, and route the total amount to an approver or sequence of approvers. For more information about setting up batch billing, see Batch Billing Settings.
  1. Navigate to the Home page in the MSP view.
  2. Click Billing.
  3. Click .
  4. On the Approve Batch : Modify : Search page, in the Operational Unit selection area, select the op unit.
  5. Optionally, select the Exclude Research and Exclude Pending Approval check boxes.
    This action only batches approved billing items.
  6. In the Invoice Option drop down, select the invoice option.
    You can only run a batch process for billing items in one invoice option at a time.
  7. Optionally, select additional options to further filter the search results.
  8. Click .
  9. In the search results, select the billing items to add to the batch by selecting the check box in the line. You can also click Batch All to add all lines in the search results to the batch.
  10. Click .
  11. In the Batch Description field, enter text that describes the batch content.
  12. Click .