Reject Supplier Documents

If a document does not meet requirements for onboarding, you can reject the document, and resend if required.
  1. Navigate to the Configuration in the MSP view.
  2. Click the Supplier tab in the top menu.
  3. From the supplier list, select the supplier. You can also use the search functionality to locate the supplier.
  4. In the supplier information, click Supplier Documents.
  5. In the section for the document (Contract or RFI), click the three dots icon next to the document.
    The document has the 'Pending Validation' status in the Status column.
  6. Click Review Document.
  7. Review the pending document. You can view the document by clicking the blue text link in the View Document section.
  8. Click .
  9. In the popup, configure the following fields:
    • Rejection Reason - From the drop down, select the rejection reason. These are default values and cannot be modified.
    • <rejection_reason_text> - Enter an optional text description of why the document was rejected.
      The text in this field is included in the rejection email notification that is sent to the supplier when a document is rejected.
  10. Click .