Billing Report
This report (
) produces data regarding billing information from invoiced timecards.This report produces the following columns:
- Client Name
- Line #
- Status
- Status Reason
- Supplier
- Worker
- Requisition #
- Country
- State/Province
- City
- PO #
- Bill Rate
- Earning E/D
- Currency
- Milestones
- Materials
- Position
- Rate Type Application
- Days
- Reg Hrs
- OT Hrs
- DT Hrs
- Hdy Hrs
- Exp
- Sales Tax
- GST Amount
- CGST Amount
- IGST Amount
- MSP CGST Amount
- MSP SGST Amount
- MSP IGST Amount
- HST Amount
- QST Amount
- RST Amount
- MSP GST Amount
- MSP HST Amount
- MSP QST Amount
- MSP RST Amount
- MSP PST Amount
- Adj
- VDisc %
- VDisc $
- PPay %
- PPay $
- MSP Sup %
- MSP Sup $
- Invoice #
- Inv Date
- AP Inv#
- Sup Inv #
- Total Pay
- OT Pay
- OT Multiplier
- DT Rate
- DT Multiplier
- Filter Billing
- Requisition Custom Fields - Included if Include custom fields information check box is selected.
- Grand Total
- Units Worked
- Piece Bill Rate
- Piece Pay Rate
- Multiple Rate
- Date Worked
- Days
- Start Time
- End Time
- Hours
- Regular Hours (Detail)
- Non Billable Hours - Displays only if 'Professional Week' is set in the work schedule.
- OT Hours (Detail)
- DT Hours (Detail)
- Client Bill Amount (Detail)
- Start Lunch
- End Lunch
- Lunch
- Notes
- Time Status
- Time Status Reason
- Tome Date and Time Approved
- Time Approved By
- Time Cost Allocation
- Work Performed in the US? - Only displays for engagements where the work location is outside of the US.
- Milestone
- Milestone Date
- Milestone Due Date
- Milestone Comment
- Milestone Amt
- Milestone Status
- Milestone Status Reason
- Milestone Date and Time Approved
- Milestone Approved By
- Milestone Cost Allocation
- Timeframe to complete milestone from
- Timeframe to complete milestone to
- Hours Worked
- Material
- Material Date Purchased
- Material Quantity
- Material Comment
- Material Amt
- Material Status
- Material Status Reason
- Material Date and Time Approved
- Material Approved By
- Material Cost Allocation
- Position
- Position Earnings E/D
- Position Hrs Worked
- Position Comment
- Position Amt
- Position Notes
- Position Status
- Position Status Reason
- Position Date and Time Approved
- Position Approved By
- Position Cost Allocation
- Category
- Description
- Purpose
- Amount
- Expense Date
- Create Date
- Receipts Received
- Notes
- Expense Status
- Expense Status Reason
- Expense Date and Time Approved
- Expense Approved By
- Expense Cost Allocation
- Adj. Classification
- Adj. Reason
- Adj. Justification
- Adj. Shift
- Date Adj.
- Day Adj.
- Adj. Reg. Hour
- Adj. OT Hour
- Adj. DT Hour
- Adj. Hol. Hour
- Adj. Amount
- Duplicate Reason
- Adj. Type
- Ref Detail Itemid
- Adj. Note
- Adj. Status
- Adj. Status Reason
- Adj. Date and Time Approved
- Adj. Approved By
- Adj. Cost Allocation
- Category Name
- Quantity
- Amount
- Note
- Date Benefit
- Benefit Status
- Benefit Status Reason
- Benefit Date and Time Approved
- Benefit Approved By
- Date Worked
- Shift type
- Shift Value
- Shift Rate Regular
- Shift Rate OT
- Shift Rate DT
- Shift Hours
- Shift Hours OT
- Shift Hours DT
- Detail Bill Amount
Field | Description |
Client | From the drop down, select the client organization to filter results by. |
Worker | Enter the name of the worker(s) whose data is included in the report. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Invoice | Select the invoice to filter by. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Supplier Invoice | Select the supplier invoice to filter by. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Date Type | From the drop down, select the date type. You can select from the
This setting is used in conjunction with From date and To date fields. You specify a date range based on the end date type. |
From date | Enter the beginning date for the date range. You can also click the calendar icon to open a calendar pop up that allows you to select the date. |
To date | Enter the end date for the date range. You can also click the calendar icon to open a calendar pop up that allows you to select the date. |
Include Time Details | Select the check box to include time (billing item detail) in the report output. |
Milestone Details | For project engagements, select the check box to include milestone information in the report output. |
Material Details | For project engagements, select the check box to include materials information in the report output. |
Position Details | For project engagements, select the check box to include position
information in the report output. Note: This information does not include
project worker information. |
Expense Details | Select the check box to include expense information in the report output. |
Adjustment Details | Select the check box to include adjustment billing item information in the report output. |
Benefit Details | Select the check box to include benefit billing item information in the report output. |
Shift Details | Select the check box to include shift information in the report output. |
Multiple and Piece Rate | Select the check box to include multiple rate or piece rate (whichever is associated with the billing item) in the report output. |
Custom Fields | Select the check box to include billing custom field names and values in the report output. |
Client Organization Custom Fields | Select the check box to include Manager type custom field name and values in the report output. |
Do not display 'Rejected' Details | Select the check box to exclude rejected billing items in the report output. |
Billing Item Type | From the selection field, select the billing item types to filter by. This field is set to 'All' by default. |
Summarize by | From the drop down, select how to summarize the output columns in the report. |
Optional Columns | From the selection field, select optional columns for the report output. |