Supplier Sales Tax Upload Worksheet
This report (
) produces data to assist supplier/vendors in applying payment in the application.This report produces the following output columns:
- Client Name
- Supplier
- Invoice #
- Invoice Status
- Line #
- Requisition #
- Worker #
- Worker
- Location
- Offsite Location
- Earnings E/D
- Currency
- Milestones
- Materials
- Position
- Rate Type Application
- Bill Rate
- Days
- Reg Hrs - null if rate application is 'Per Day'
- OT Hrs - null if rate application is 'Per Day'
- DT Hrs - null if rate application is 'Per Day'
- Hdy Hrs - null if rate application is 'Per Day'
- Exp
- Total Worker Cost
- Total GP
- Sales Tax
- Requisition Custom Fields 1-xx
Field | Description |
Client | From the drop down, select the client organization to filter results by. |
Invoice | Select the invoice that contains the rebilling items for the report. |
Include Requisition Custom Fields | Select the check box to include custom fields from the
engagement. Note: Custom fields can contain additional allocation
information, for example. |