Billing Transfer Status

The transfer queue status determines what actions are available. Billing item records can have more than one status. For example, 'Transferred' and 'Pending Transfer Confirmation'. This scenario indicates that the billing record exists in the internal HRIS system, and is awaiting a transfer of supporting information back into the application. See the following table for actions based no the possible transfer status combinations.

'Y' indicates that the status flag is set for the billing item record.

Transfer Queue Pending Transfer Confirmation Transferred Actions
N N N Invoice associated with billing item record cannot be routed for approval or finalization.
Y N N Invoice associated with billing item record cannot be routed for approval or finalization.
N Y N Invoice associated with billing item record cannot be routed for approval or finalization.

The view of the tax table is restricted.

Only allocations for hours can be modified for Payroll requests.

Modification for Staffing requests is restricted.

N N Y Only allocations for hours can be modified for Payroll requests.
Y N Y Only allocations for hours can be modified for Payroll requests.
N Y Y Invoice associated with billing item record cannot be routed for approval or finalization.

If the billing item is actively routed for approval, the routing continues in the configured routing chain once the transfer is complete. If the invoice is routed for approval, then the routing is reset to the start of the configured routing chain.

The view of the tax table is restricted.

Only allocations for hours can be modified for Payroll requests.

Modification for Staffing requests is restricted.

Y Y Y Invoice associated with billing item record cannot be routed for approval or finalization.

If the billing item is actively routed for approval, the routing continues in the configured routing chain once the transfer is complete. If the invoice is routed for approval, then the routing is reset to the start of the configured routing chain.

The view of the tax table is restricted.

Only allocations for hours can be modified for Payroll requests.

Modification for Staffing requests is restricted.