Non-Billable Time for Engagements

In the case where workers start an engagement at a client site, but perform 'first day of work' functions that do not count as billable time, you can configure a number of days or hours to credit the worker. These are credit adjustments added automatically (or manually) to an invoice prior to locking the invoice. The supplier pays the worker, but the client organization is not billed for the time.

Workers that are set up to receive the non-billable time are credited an entire day or for a number of hours. For more information about defining a set number of days or hours for a worker, see Process Billing Configuration Settings.

Non-billable time is configured at either the engagement level, or at the supplier agreement level. If configured at the agreement level, the days/hours are added by default for engagements of that type. For more information about defining days/hours at the agreement level, see Multipliers & Discounts. To define the days at the engagement level, configure the Non-Billable Time Granted field in the engagement Schedule section.

The billing MSP adds the credits to the invoice for workers. For more information about adding time to invoices, see Finalize an Invoice.