Module Overview
The Diversity Module works with our proprietary Vendor Management System (VMS), in addition to virtually any VMS/ATS to collect voluntarily self-disclosed diversity data to provide enhanced visibility into the entire hiring life cycle. The purpose of this feature is to highlight specific areas where unconscious bias might be present.
Candidates for Magnit VMS clients are added to the system via an integration with a client's CRM (see Diversity Module API). Client's that use Magnit tools do not have to integrate, as all sent candidates are automatically added to the module if diversity tracking is enabled for the client organization The candidate information is sent and stored in the module. Data visualization from the candidate data is then constructed.
After a candidate is added, a survey of questions is sent via email. A link in the email takes them to the survey, where they are invited to complete the questions.
Candidates can answer the questions and submit the survey, or they can decline to answer
any of the questions (). Note that candidates have the option to
decline to answer a particular question by selecting I prefer not to
say. If candidates decline to answer any of the questions, their action
is recorded by the module.
The survey logo and color, as well as the survey text, can be customized according to client requirements.
For more information about customization, contact your Program Representative.
See Module Settings.