Onboard Payroll Workers with ServiceNow

If your MSP organization and client country are using the ServiceNow third-party application to manage payroll onboarding, then a payroll candidate uses ServiceNow to enter payroll details like address, bank direct deposit, emergency contacts, tax information. If this feature is configured, you mark appropriate onboarding items by configuring the item with the ServiceNow EOR flag on the default payroll onboarding template for that client country. For more information about this setting, see Onboarding and Offboarding Items.

When payroll onboarding is managed by ServiceNow then the payroll onboarding tasks are handled at ServiceNow. However, any client-specific onboarding tasks are still managed in Magnit VMS.

ServiceNow Onboarding status is sent to the VMS, and can be viewed on the On/Off Boarding Dashboard, or at the engagement level.

It is important to note that items are defined at the client country level, and the assigned items must match the payroll worker's work location.