Configure Rejection Reason
- Navigate to the Clients page on the Configuration view.
Click the link in the NAME column for the client whose
information you want to modify.
The Client Info page appears.
- Select on the left navigation menu.
From the drop down, select one of the following options:
- Free Text - Default option. Enables a text box for the client manager to enter text that describes the rejection reason.
- Single Select - Enables a drop down for the client manager to select
from. If you select this option, use the blank text boxy that appears in
the Billing Rejection Reasons section to define
your reason. A maximum of 50 characters is enforced for a reason. You
can add additional reasons by clicking
and entering text in the blank text box.
- Both - Enables both options. If you select this option, the client manager is required to select a reason from the drop down, and enter text in the text box.