Modify a Project Quote

You can modify a project quote after the request is converted to an engagement. Adding any positions, materials, or milestones to a quote saves the quote as a draft. If you are using approval routing, submitting adjustments/additions can trigger the revision workflow. For more information about the Approval Routing functionality, see Approval Routing Configuration.
  1. Navigate to the Home page in the MSP view.
  2. Click Requests.
  3. Select the request type by clicking the type button (or ALL).
    You can also enter the request number in the search field.
  4. Select the request by clicking the number link in the Request column.
  5. On the request information page, click the Quotes tab.
  6. Edit a position, material, or milestone. You can additionally add a position, material, or milestone by clicking Add <item_type> at the top of each section.
  7. Configure/confirm the change details in the revision pop up.
    Confirm the following details.
    • Reason - From the drop down, select the reason of the revisions. Reason value/selections are default.
    • Requester - Using the radio buttons, select the requester, the client manager or the supplier.
  8. Click .
  9. Click .