Billing Item Status

A billing line item has a status set on it, depending on the actions taken by either the Time & Expense Approver (if not set, the approver defaults to the client manager on the engagement). The client manager or the MSP must take action on submitted billing items. These actions include the following:
  • Approval - The client manager accepts the billing item details. Time allocations can be edited, but not rejected.
  • Rejection - The client manager rejects billing item details, sending them back to the worker for re-submittal. For more information about rejected items, see Rejected Billing Items.
  • Removal - The client manager removes the billing item detail/s. This action removes the detail item from all financial and OT considerations, and removes the item from standard reports.
    Removing detail items does not remove the item from the system. You can view removed detail items using the History functionality.
Before the item is processed, it can be edited by the client manager if it is set for approval, and edited by the worker if the submission is rejected by the worker. If the client organization is using the Approval Routing feature, then the item cannot be edited once routed.
Each billing item is assigned one of the following statuses:
  • Pending - Indicates that the line item is still awaiting approval.
  • Rejected - Indicates that the line item is rejected.
  • Processed - Indicates that the line item is approved, and can be associated with an invoice. For more information about invoicing, see Invoicing.