Filter Billing

The Filter Billing setting in the Operational Parameters section of engagements determines the visibility of billing items. Visibility is defined as where the billing item appears, and for which user types. Visibility also defines if the item can be reported on in a report accessed by a certain user type and in which view. The four user roles in the filter are MSP, Supplier, Client (manager), and Worker. If the filter is set to MSP:Client, for example, the billing is only visible to the MSP and the client manager. This also means that a supplier and worker would also be excluded from being paid in the billing cycle.

The filter is applied at the billing line level. The billing filter cannot be modified on an item once it is created. The filter setting can be modified at the engagement level, but is effective dated, and does not apply to billings created before the effective date. Additionally, a supplier can modify the filter setting for an engagement if the Modify Billing Filters setting is enabled on the service type agreement. See Define a Supplier Agreement.

Billing filters also determine which users can create billing items for an engagement. MSP users can create billings for all engagements unless the Supplier:Worker filter is applied to an engagement. In this case, MSPs are not able to create or view billings.