Invoice Template List

Invoice templates are used to output invoice information in a standard way that satisfies a business or legal requirement. Invoice documents can be customized both with data elements mapped to fields in the application, and visual elements including headers, logos, etc.
Invoice template creation is limited to the MSP Admin or SysAdmin role only. Ensure that you have the following data configured/available before you begin to build a template:
  • Requirements for the data that must appear in the template.
  • Requirements for the visual layout of the template.
  • Visual assets for the template, if required.
  • Invoice filters configured with the 'Supplier' setting. See Invoice Grouping Rules.
Setting Description
Template type filters Click the tabs to display a specific template association type in the table. Select from Client, Supplier, MSP Up Fee, MSP Down Fee, or All.
Templates cannot be shared across types.
Language filter From the drop down, filter the list by template language.
<template_name> Click the template name to access the template details.

If you have permission, you can edit the template in this view by clicking . The template file can be downloaded by clicking the icon in the PDF File Information section of the details.