Invoice Options for Locations
Setting | Description |
Add Invoice Option (or edit an existing invoice option) | Configure the invoicing options for the client organization's
location. For more information about billing/invoicing, see Billing and Invoicing Configuration. In the Invoice Option field, enter the name of the option. From the Requisition Type drop down, select the requisition type for the option. Optionally, enter text in the Description field. You can also optionally enter a recipient email address in the Notification Email Address. This recipient is notified when the client is invoiced. To set a default currency on the invoice option, from the Currency drop down list, select the currency for the option. This sets the default display on the engagement, where the invoice options with currencies that match the currency set on the engagement are available for selection. If this field is not set, then it displays for selection on all engagements. For the invoice statement, in the Maximum Billing Lines per Invoice settings, enter the number of items to add to the invoice. This value controls the number of lines per invoice, and the number of invoices generated. For example, if the supplier invoice maximum lines is set to '20', and an invoice has 40 lines, then two invoices are generated for the supplier. You can set a limit for supplier invoices and client invoices separately. Depending on the MSP
organization of the client organization, enter values for the
following fields:
Select check boxes for the following options.
Tax Calculation Options |
In the Tax Calculation Options section,
configure how the taxes are estimated on the invoice. Select from
the following options, and activate the option.
Three sub-settings options can be configured for each calculation
setting, as follows:
In the Schedule List section, configure when the invoice is generated by the application. Using the drop downs (Week Day, Time, and Timezone), configure the automation for when the invoices are created. You can add multiple generation times. |
Invoice Document Templates |
In the Invoice Document Templates section,
from the Type drop down, select the template
type, and then select the template from the
Template drop down. Select the check box
to make the template the default file template to use when
generating batch invoices. See Customizable Invoice Templates.
Note: You can add
multiple templates to an invoice option, however, only one
template can be marked as 'default'. Note: Templates that
are marked 'Inactive' (check box unselected) are not
displayed. In the Invoice Grouping Rules section, you can view any grouping rules that are applied when an invoice option is processed to create an invoice. See Invoice Grouping Rules. Grouping rules are configured using fields on the engagement or
billing item. Rules are configured at the client country level
(default to all invoice options in that country), or set on the
invoice option. All invoice options automatically inherit the
default rules. To exclude an option from the default rules, click