Revision Settings

These settings appear if you select Revision as the module type for an approval routing.
Setting Description
MSP Restart ApprovalToggle the switch to allow the MSP for a client organization to restart an approval (single or multiple approvers) if an approver rejects an item.
MSP Add / Remove ApproversToggle the switch to allow the MSP for the client organization to add or remove an approver anywhere in the approval chain.

This setting also allows an MSP to take action on behalf of an approver.

MSP Approve / Reject ApprovalToggle the switch to allow the MSP for the client organization to approve or reject the entire approval chain (single or multiple approvers).
MSP Review and Modify ApprovalsRoutes all items to the MSP for the client organization to review. Also routes the addition of an approver to a chain for approval.
Display Converted Approval AmountIf currency conversion is enabled, toggle the setting to display the converted amount to the MSP.
Client Approver Add / Remove ApproversToggle the switch to allow the client manager assigned as an approver to add or remove an approver anywhere in the approval chain.
Hiring Manager Add / Remove ApproversToggle the switch to allow the hiring manager on the request to add or remove an approver anywhere in the approval chain.
Hiring Manager Restart Approval Allows the hiring manager on the engagement to restart the approval routing if the routing has been rejected. If enabled, the hiring manager can click Restart.
Email notifications for the restart are sent to the MSP on the engagement and managers in the approval routing.
Enabling this setting also enables the setting for the hiring manager's delegates.
Display Estimated Annualized CostDisplays the estimated annualised cost of the request in the client manager view.
Display all cost Amounts in USDDisplays all cost amounts in U.S. Dollars.
Routing Triggers for Client Approval Select what modified fields trigger a required approval, based on engagement type. Select from the following:
  • Estimated End Date - If the end date is modified, the application calculates the new amount based on the number of days added to the engagement.
  • Funding - Does not trigger is Funds Tracking='None'. If Funds Tracking='Budget' or 'Master Budget', then changes to the Additional Fund Amount triggers the routing. If set to 'PO' then changes to the Engagement PO Line triggers the routing.
  • Department
  • Bill Rate
Add Approved Extension Cost from Estimated End Date and Rate revisions to Engagement Purchase Order Applies to Purchase Order Funding.
When PO Funds Association='Requisition', this setting automatically adds the extension cost from an approved Estimated End Date and/or Bill Rate revision approval routing request to the configured Engagement Primary PO Line Number. The setting applies when a minimum of one field (Estimated End Date or Bill Rate) is a routing trigger. No action is taken if the currency changes, if the Extension Cost is less than zero, and if PO Funds Association='Client'.
For Staffing, you must select the routing trigger fields.
This field does not apply to Project engagements.
Add the Extension Cost to PO Line # Applies to Purchase Order Funding.

Can only be enabled if Add Approved Extension Cost from Estimated End Date and Rate revisions to Engagement Purchase Order is enabled.

Select the PO number from the funds tracking configuration at the OpUnit level. See Add a PO Listing.

Approval Limit Use the radio buttons to define the amount limit for an approver. Select from the following:
  • Total Engagement Amount - Approver must have an approval limit equal or greater than the new Total Engagement Amount.
  • Net Revision Amount - Approver must have an approval limit equal or greater than the Net Revision Amount.
Enable Supplier AcceptanceRequires the supplier to accept or reject the details as the last step in the approval process, after client approval is received, but before the engagement is filled. See Supplier Acceptance.
You can define which client country locations to apply a supplier acceptance routing to. Select the country from the Enable for Specific Work Location (onsite/offsite) Country drop down list.
If both supplier acceptance and work order routing is enabled, the system looks for a work order template at the OpUnit level to route. If no template exists, then the system uses the supplier acceptance routing.
MSP Acceptance or Reject on behalf of the SupplierAllows the MSP for the engagement to accept or reject the details as the last step of the process after client approval, but before the engagement is filled.
Notify MSP of Approval or AcceptanceToggle the switch to filter the approval/acceptance notifications. Sends notification to the MSP for the client organization of approvals/acceptances only once after supplier acceptance, both after final client approval and supplier acceptance (if an approval chain (multiple approvers) is used, the MSP is notified twice, when the final client approval is received, and when the supplier accepts the details. The final approver can be an approver anywhere in the chain that rejects an item), or after each client approval and after supplier acceptance (notifies the MSP if any approval and acceptance action is taken)
Schedule Approval/Acceptance remindersToggle the switch to configure the frequency of the automatic reminders when an approval/acceptance action is pending. In the area field, enter the number of days to send a notification after the initial notification is sent.