Budget Settings

These settings appear if you select Budget as the module type for an approval routing.
Setting Description
MSP Add / Remove ApproversToggle the switch to allow the MSP for the client organization to add or remove an approver anywhere in the approval chain.

This setting also allows an MSP to take action on behalf of an approver.

MSP Approve / Reject ApprovalToggle the switch to allow the MSP for the client organization to approve or reject the entire approval chain (single or multiple approvers).
MSP Review and Modify ApprovalsRoutes all items to the MSP for the client organization to review. Also routes the addition of an approver to a chain for approval.
Client Approver Add / Remove ApproversToggle the switch to allow the client manager assigned as an approver to add or remove an approver anywhere in the approval chain.
Manager Add / Remove Approvers Toggle the switch to allow the manager assigned as an approver to add or remove an approver anywhere in the approval chain.
Routing Triggers - Master Budget is Created Toggle the switch to require approval when a master budget is created.
Routing Triggers - Additional Funds are added to the Master Budget (Revision) Toggle the switch to require approval when a revision is made to the Master Budget.