Request Settings

These settings appear if you select Request as the module type for an approval routing.
Setting Description
Sourcing Use the radio buttons to select if sourcing can happen during the approval routing, or only after final approval. If you select Sourcing can happen during approval routing, suppliers can submit resumes for candidates that match the job category and location defined in the supplier contract. For more information about the contract, see Supplier Agreements.
MSP Restart Approval Toggle the switch to allow an MSP for the client organization to restart an approval after a client manager rejects an approval.
MSP Add / Remove ApproversToggle the switch to allow the MSP for the client organization to add or remove an approver anywhere in the approval chain.

This setting also allows an MSP to take action on behalf of an approver.

MSP Approve / Reject ApprovalToggle the switch to allow the MSP for the client organization to approve or reject the entire approval chain (single or multiple approvers).
MSP Review and Modify ApprovalsRoutes all items to the MSP for the client organization to review. Also routes the addition of an approver to a chain for approval.
Display Converted Approval AmountIf currency conversion is enabled, toggle the setting to display the converted amount to the MSP.
Client Approver Add / Remove ApproversToggle the switch to allow the client manager assigned as an approver to add or remove an approver anywhere in the approval chain.
Hiring Manager Add / Remove ApproversToggle the switch to allow the hiring manager on the requisition to add or remove an approver anywhere in the approval chain.
Display Estimated Annualized CostDisplays the estimated annualised cost of the request in the client manager view.
Display all cost Amounts in USDDisplays all cost amounts in U.S. Dollars.
Notify MSP of Approval Toggle the switch to filter the approval notifications. Sends notification to the MSP for the client organization of approvals according to the following settings:
  • Only once
  • Both after final client approval - If an approval chain (multiple approvers) is used, the MSP is notified only when the final approval is made. The final approver can be an approver anywhere in the chain that rejects an item.
  • After each client approval - Notifies the MSP if any approval action is taken.
Schedule Approval reminders Toggle the switch to configure the frequency of the reminders when an approval action is pending. In the area field, enter the number of days to send a notification after the initial notification is sent.