SOW eSign Settings

These settings appear if you select SOW eSign as the module type for an approval routing.
Setting Description
MSP Restart ApprovalToggle the switch to allow the MSP for a client organization to restart an approval (single or multiple approvers) if an approver rejects an item.
MSP Override eSigning Process Toggle the switch to allow the MSP for the client organization to override the eSign requirement and fulfill the Project engagement.
Notify MSP Contact During eSigning Select the notification behavior when SOW documents are eSigned. Using the radio buttons, select from the following:
  • Every signing - Notifies the MSP for the client organization that a signer has eSigned a document.
    The SOW review process might include multiple signers. This setting can be used to track when each signer has completed the process.
  • Signing completed - Only notifies the MSP for the client organization when all of the signers have completed the process.