
Sends candidate data to the module, creates a candidate record in the system, and creates a survey. You can send an individual candidate, or an array of candidates. Input is JSON format.

Single Candidate

Creates a single candidate record.

POST: /api/v1/candidates

Field Type Required Description
candidateSource string Yes
clientKey string Yes Single word value, case sensitive. For example, 'FRW_01_TGTE'.
countryCode string Yes Two character country code. For example, 'US'.
sourceCandidateId string Yes Alpha numeric value, case sensitive.
firstName string Yes
lastName string Yes
email string Yes
phone string No
supplierName string No
directSourcePro boolean No. Default value is false. If set to 'true', uses DSPRO settings for email and survey page.
returnSurveyLink boolean No. Default value is false. Returns link to survey before notification is sent to the candidate.

Multiple Candidates

Creates multiple candidate records from array of data.

PUT: /api/v1/candidates

Field Type Required Description
candidateSource string Yes
clientKey string Yes Single word value, case sensitive. For example, 'FRW_01_TGTE'.
countryCode string Yes Two character country code. For example, 'US'.
sourceCandidateId string Yes Alpha numeric value, case sensitive.
firstName string Yes
lastName string Yes
email string Yes
phone string No
supplierName string No
directSourcePro boolean No. Default value is false. If set to 'true', uses DSPRO settings for email and survey page.
returnSurveyLink boolean No. Default value is false. Returns link to survey before notification is sent to the candidate.


Single Candidate POST
curl --location --request POST 'http://<url>/diversity/api/v1/candidates' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "candidateSource": "WFQ",
    "clientKey": "WFQ_CLIENT_KEY_01",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "sourceCandidateId": "10001",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "email": "",
 "sourceCandidateId": "10001",
"supplierName": "Abc Management",
    "returnSurveyLink": "true"
    "sourceCandidateId": "10001",
    "shortUrl": "",
    "statusText": "Candidate#2810102 has been created for the Source
    "status": "Success"
Multiple Candiate PUT
curl --location --request PUT 'http://<url>/diversity/api/v1/candidates' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey <api_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '[
        "candidateSource": "WFQ",
        "clientKey": "WFQ_CLIENT_KEY_01",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "sourceCandidateId": "10011",
        "firstName": "John1",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "email": "",
        "supplierName": "Abc Management"
}, {
        "sourceCandidateId": "10001",
        "shortUrl": "",
        "candidateSource": "WFQ",
        "clientKey": "WFQ_CLIENT_KEY_01",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "sourceCandidateId": "10012",
        "firstName": "John2",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "email": "",
        "supplierName": "Abc Management"
} ]'
        "sourceCandidateId": "10011",
        "statusText": "Candidate#2810105 has been created for the Source Candidate#10011",
        "status": "Success"
        'sourceCandiateId": "10012",
        "statusText": "Candidate#2810108 has been created for the SourceCandidate#10012",
        "status": "Success"