Add Authorized Supplier Signatory

If you are using the SOW module for project requests, add the authorized supplier signatory information to a submitted quote. For more information about the SOW module, see Statement of Work.
A red asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
  1. Complete steps 1-12 as defined in Assign a Quote to a Project.
  2. In the Authorized Supplier Signatory section, in the Name field, enter the signatory's name.
  3. In the Title field, enter the signatory's title.
  4. In the Email field, enter the signatory's email address.
  5. Optionally, in the Address 1 and Address 2 fields, enter the signatory's address information.
  6. Optionally, from the Country drop down, select the country for the address.
  7. Optionally, in the City field, enter the city for the address.
  8. Optionally, from the State/Province/Region drop down, select the appropriate region definition for the address.
    The options in this drop down deaned on the selection in the Country drop down.
  9. Optionally, in the Zip/Postal Code field, enter the correct code for the address.
  10. Click .