Invoice Template Variables

You can insert variables in a document template.
Variable Description/Notes
Engagement: Engagement ID Inserts the engagement number from the billing line.
Engagement: Job Title Inserts the job title from the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: Manager Name Inserts the hiring manager's name from the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: Supplier Name Inserts the supplier/vendor organization's name from the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: <grouped_custom_field_name> If invoice generation is grouped by a selected engagement custom field, this value returns the custom field value from the engagement in the billing line. If no custom field value is set on the engagement, then this value is displayed as an empty string.

See Invoice Grouping Rules.

Engagement: Op Unit Inserts the operational unit from the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: Worker Name Inserts the worker name from the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: Time & Expense Approver Inserts the time and expense approver from the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: Client Location Inserts the client location from the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: Work Location Inserts the work location from the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: Currency Inserts the currency set on the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: Rate Application Inserts the rate application set on the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: Work Period Inserts the work period set on the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: OT Rule Inserts the OT/DT rule from the engagement in the billing line.
Engagement: Master Budget Inserts the master budget value set on the engagement in the billing line.
MSP: Tax Entity Legal Name Inserts the tax entity legal name for the MSP. The name nigh be the value of the tax entity organization set on the invoice option.

Legal entities are defined at the liens organization level per country. See Client Information.

MSP: Tax Entity Address Line 1 Inserts the tax entity address information for the MSP.
MSP: Tax Entity Address Line 2 Inserts the tax entity additional address information for the MSP.
MSP: Tax Entity City Inserts the tax entity city for the MSP.
MSP: Tax Entity State Inserts the tax entity state for the MSP.
MSP: Tax Entity Postal Code Inserts the tax entity postal code for the MSP.
MSP: Tax Entity Country Inserts the tax entity country for the MSP.
MSP: Tax Entity Tax ID Inserts the tax entity tax identifier for the MSP.
MSP: Tax Entity Second Tax ID Inserts the tax entity secondary tax identifier for the MSP.
MSP: Tax Entity Exemption Certificate Number Inserts the tax entity exemption certificate number for the MSP.
Bill: Timecard Rate Table Inserts a table that displays all different rates that contain unit information for a given billing line. For example, if inserted, multirate billing is displayed with each rate in a table row with the number of units billed, the unit price, and the total value of units.
Note: Currency is not displayed for the until values.
Note: This variable only supports the MR3 (multirate) timecard. See Multirate Timecards.
Note: This variable only supports up to 50 bills per table.