Vendor RFx

The following section appears if you have enabled the RFx functionality for the client organization. For more information about enabling this functionality, see Project Settings.
Field Description
Do you want to create a vendor RFx? Use the radio buttons to indicate if you want to use the RFx functionality for the project request.
Selecting No hides the section.
Invite Collaborators Use the radio buttons to invite collaborators to the request for information. You can also add collaborators to an existing RFI. For more information about adding collaborators, see Add a Collaborator.
If you select Yes, from the Add Collaborator drop down, select the user type to add:
  • Search MSPs - If you select this option, use the additional drop down to select the MSP to add.
  • Search Client - If you select this option, use the text field to enter a client name. Clicking a name in the search results adds the name to the collaborator list.

You can manage the permissions for collaborators by selecting the check boxes (Score and/or View Quote).

In the Scoring Due Date field, enter the date when scores are due. You can also click the calendar icon to open a calendar pop up that allows you to select the date.

Upload an existing template Click to upload an RFx template with configured fields. For more information about the RFx template file, see Vender RFx for Project.
RFx Due Date Enter the date that the request for information is due. You can also click the calendar icon to open a calendar pop up that allows you to select the date.
Question In the text field, enter the text for the question.
Weight In the text field, enter the question weight.
Answer Type From the drop down, select the answer type. You can select from the following:
  • Text Area (Multi-Line Text) - Enables a text box for the collaborator to enter free form text.
  • Radio Button (Single Select) - Enables a two answer fields. If you select this option, enter text for each answer, and the score for each answer from the Score drop down. You can add additional answers by clicking + Add New Answer.
Required Select the check box to make an answer required.