Resumes and Interviews Settings

These settings are available on the Resumes/Interviews tab.
Field Description
Let the manager see candidates when Bill Rate exceeds the defined Max Bill Rate Enable this option to allow client managers to directly receive resumes of candidates, without prior MSP approval, even if the bill rate exceeds the configured maximum rate. If this option is not selected, then MSPs are required to review and approve resumes of candidates and rates before passing it to managers.
Let the manager see candidates when Bill Rate exceeds the defined Rate Enable this option to allow client managers to directly receive resumes of candidates, without prior MSP approval, even if the bill rate exceeds the configured rate. If this option is not selected, then MSPs are required to review and approve resumes of candidates and rates before passing it to managers.
Order the candidates for the Manager based on the MSP Recommendation (5 star rating) first, and then by the Submittal Date ASC (earliest ⟶ latest) Enable this feature to order the candidates in the Manager view Candidate tab based on the number of stars (rating) that you assign candidates for requests. If not enabled, candidates are ordered by submittal date.

You can assign a star rating to a candidate on Candidates tab of a request (Rating column). For more information about rating a candidate, see Candidates Tab.

Let the manager see candidates when mark up exceeds configured supplier mark up Enable this setting to route a submitted candidate to the MSP when the candidate's mark up percentage exceeds the configured percentage for the supplier.
Display the Supplier Resume Bill Rate Information to Competitors Enable this option to allow all suppliers to see the quote amount and bill rates for resumes.
Display the Supplier Associated to a Resume Submitted to all Competitors Enable this option to allow all suppliers to see the name of the supplier that originally submitted the quote or resume.
Hide the Supplier Name Associated to a Resume Submitted to Manager Enable this option to hide all the names of the supplier that submitted the quote or resume.
Hide the Supplier Candidate's Contact Information from the Manager while in hiring process Enable this option to hide the following candidate details on the candidate profile during the hiring process.
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • Country
This setting only affects contact information as it is displayed to the client manager. The MSP and supplier can still view the contact information.
Display the Max Bill Rate to the Suppliers Enable this option to allow suppliers to see the maximum bill rate for a request.
Display Multirate Bill Rates to the suppliers Enable this option to display multi rates to a supplier user when submitting a candidate in the Supplier view.
Multi rates are not displayed in email notifications.
Include Up fee In Candidate Submitted Rate Enable this option to allow the managers' view of the rate and candidate cost field to include the Up fee configured in the Supplier record.
Include vCalendar Attachment with Interview Schedule Enable this option to include a vCalendar attachment with the interview confirmation email to managers.
Include Resume Attachments in Candidates Email Template Enable to include the resume file that was submitted with the candidate. Resumes are included in the following email templates:
  • New Candidate Submission
  • Resume Submission Notification
  • CV Submission Notification
  • Forward Resume
Track Visa/H-1B Status of Worker Enable this option to display the H-1B field on Resume (Submit/Submitted), Filled Engagement (Financial), and Req Data Export reports.
Track Sub-Contracted Worker Enable this option to display fields Sub-Contracted Worker and Sub-Contractor Name on Resume (Submit/Submitted), Filled Engagement (Financial), and Req Data Export reports.
Stop Sub-Contracted Worker at MSP Desk Enable this option to route a sub-contractor (Sub-Contracted Worker='Yes'), submitted by a supplier, to the MSP for review. The sub-contractor setting can be set on the engagement financials, or the worker resume record.

The Track Sub-Contracted Worker setting must be enabled to use this routing.

Require supplier to fill in previous client work history for worker Enable this option to mandate suppliers to enter previous engagement history with clients.
Require Previous Employee/Contractor of Client Enable this option to make the Previous employee and Previous contractor fields required to be filled prior the resume submittal.
Require if worker has family member who works for client Enable this option to make the field Does worker have family member who works for client in the previous employment resume section, mandatory.
Former employee and/or relative resume stop at the desk Enabling this option with options Require Previous Employee/Contractor of Client and Require if worker has family member who works for client, stops resumes of candidates that answered either or both options Yes from proceeding further.
Enable Supplier Candidate Duplicate Check Enable this option to trigger the application to check for duplicate entries across clients when Suppliers add new candidates or workers.
Enable Client Candidate Duplicate Check Creates unique identifier for the Candidate that is Client specific to easily identify duplicate candidate submissions.
Enable Interview Styles Select all that apply. Options selected are available for selection during the interview scheduling process.
  • Group - Individual candidates meet with multiple interviewers at the same time.
  • Blitz - Multiple candidates meet with one or more interviewers at the same time, or at individually selected times.
  • Sequential - Individual candidate meets with several interviewers back-to-back.
  • One on One - Individual candidate meets with an interviewer at a specific time.
  • Panel - Individual candidate meets with multiple interviewers at the same time.
Allow Manager to connect Calendar with Wand Calendar Select the methods of syncing the Wand Calendar with the user's personal calendar. This option overrides the selection in Include vCalendar Attachment with Interview Schedule; Wand does not send vCalendar attachments via email.
The email address for an Wand user account must match the email address used for the calendar application in order to sync calendars.
The client organization can only sync one calendar application type (for example, Microsoft Office 365).

You can configure the application to sync calendar items for either Microsoft Office 365 or Google Calendar.

Microsoft users are required to provide their calendar application credentials when prompted, depending on the setting. If the client organization is set to 'Microsoft Office 365 - User Consent', then the application prompts the user to enter credentials to sync calendars. If the client organization is set to 'Microsoft Office 365 - Admin Consent', then the application prompts the user to enter calendar application administrator credentials to sync calendars.

Additionally, if a Microsoft Office 365 option is selected, you can allow a manager to book a conference room from within the application. Select the Allow Manager to book Conference Rooms within WAND check box to allow display conference rooms and statuses in the Wand application.

Allow Interviewers to be added as free text If checked, user is allowed to add interviewers with free text value name as well as email. If not checked, this should be suggestive search and only allow for valid client users to be selected as Interviewers.