Multirate Timecards

The Multirate timecard is an hourly entry interface with project allocation.

  • Start and end time for Labor, Lunch, Call Back, Holiday, or On Call. You can enter multiple entries per day.
  • You can select Paid Break to indicate a time range as a paid break defined by a client organization.
  • 'Did Not Work' functionality is supported on Multirate 2 and Multirate 3 timecards. See Did Not Work.
  • To configure more than one time range for the day, click .
  • You can block duplicate time card entries on the Multirate 3 timecard. In the Timecard Detail settings, select the check box for Block Duplicate Dates. This setting blocks timecards submitted by workers with overlapping entry dates that have not been rejected or credited.
  • If no lunch break taken, use No Lunch Break Taken toggle switch.


Allocations are added per day. Not all timecards use allocations.

  • Hours allocated by regular , overtime, or doubletime hours.
  • Hours are allocated to a configured field.
  • Additional fields can be added to the Allocation section that are used to enter additional information on time spent.
  • Multiple allocations can be added for a timecard (number of hours by type of time per allocation.).
  • Allocation fields are added as Billing type custom fields. For more information about adding these fields to the Allocation section, see Custom Fields Options by Workflow.
You can add additional information to the Time & Expense section of the timecard using a Worker type custom field, and selecting the Display on Worker Home in Time & Expense bin setting. The fields are not editable by the worker, and must be configured by an MSP user.