Add a Calendar

Add specific calendar entries for a work period.
Note: You can upload a correctly formatted .csv file using the Data Loader function. For more information about this function, see Use Date Loader.
Note: You must remove the header row from the file before upload and processing, or the process errors out.
  1. Navigate to the Clients page on the Configuration view.
  2. Click the link in the NAME column for the client whose information you want to modify.
    The Client Info page appears.
  3. Select Billing > Billing/Invoicing on the left navigation menu.
  4. Select Time Entry > Work Schedule tabs to open the Period List page.
  5. Click Calendar.
  6. Click .
  7. In the Name field, enter a name for your calendar.
  8. In the Description field, enter a text description for your field.
  9. From the Type drop down list, select from the following options described in the table:
    Fiscal Define a calendar in fiscal year format. Calendar inputs must include:
    • Description
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Month
    • Year
    • Quarter
    Billing Period Define a calendar for a billing period. Calendar inputs must include:
    • Description
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Month
    • Year
    Work Period Define a calendar for a work period. Calendar inputs must include:
    • Description
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Month
    • Year
    • Expected Work Days - This value is required if applying a variable prorated rate. For more information about this rate type, see Prorated Rates Application.
  10. Click .
  11. In the row, add the calendar entry details. For dates entries, you can click the calendar icon and select a date from the pop up. For month entries, select the month from the drop down.
  12. For each new calendar entry, click , and enter details.
  13. Click .