Blended Rate Application

When workers submits time over multiple jobs and shifts, all with multiple bill rates, the application can create a base rate for the worker. This blended base rate is a U.S. FLSA requirement, and used by the application when categorizing the hours (Regular/OT/DT), then applying the correct rate for billing entries. This rate is applied to all hours reported for the work period, regardless of the requisition. For more information about setting up a work period, see Work Periods and Calendars.

In creating the blended rate, the application considers all shift differentials for the worker, and calculates the rate as follows:
  • Blended Base Rate = (Reg Hrs_1 * Reg_Rate_1 + Reg Hrs_2 * Reg_Rate_2 + ... + Reg_Hrs_n * Reg_Rate_n) / Sum(Reg_Hrs).
The OT/DT rules are applied as follows:
  • OT = Blended_Base_Rate * OT_Modifier * OT_Hours
  • DT = Blended_Base_Rate * DT_Modifier * DT_Hours