Configure a Tier Hierarchy

Add tiered shift rates to a work period. These are available for selection in daily time entries.
  1. Navigate to the Clients page on the Configuration view.
  2. Click the link in the NAME column for the client whose information you want to modify.
    The Client Info page appears.
  3. Select Billing > Billing/Invoicing on the left navigation menu.
  4. Select Time Entry > Work Schedule tabs to open the Period List page.
  5. From the Period List section, select a period name to add the shift differential to.
  6. Click .
  7. In the Rate Application Defaults section, for Daily Tiered List, click .
  8. In the Value field, enter free text. This text is displayed to the worker in the time card view.
  9. In the Modifier field, enter the modifier applied to the daily billing rate.
  10. In the Hours field, enter the minimum number of hours threshold to be eligible for the modified daily billing rate.